1. Is this campaign real?

Absolutely not! Our campaign is as real as unicorns galloping through your backyard. We're here to make you laugh, think, and maybe even cry (from laughter, hopefully).

2. Can I actually vote for your candidate?

While we're flattered by the support, our candidate is as eligible for office as your pet goldfish. Feel free to cast your vote in the realm of public opinion, or by purchasing our “team” merch!

3. How do I subscribe to your newsletter?

Simply enter your email in the subscription box that pops up when you first visit our site. Choose an email that reflects your spirit animal or alter ego for an added layer of fun!

4. Will you sell my personal information?

No, we treasure your information like a dragon hoards gold. Your personal details will not be sold, traded, or given away. They're used solely for the purposes stated in our Privacy Policy.

5. Can I contribute to your campaign?

While we don't run on traditional campaign donations, we do welcome contributions to keep the lights on and the satire flowing. Think of it as supporting the arts, but the art is poking fun at politics. Please note, your contributions are not tax-deductible and are used purely to fuel our website and creative endeavors. If you're interested in contributing, please visit our donation page for more details. Your support in spreading laughter is greatly appreciated!

6. Are the quotes from the candidate real?

As real as the promises of a politician during election season! Our candidate's quotes are generated for your amusement and enlightenment.

7. How can I contact you for more information?

For queries, laughs, or existential discussions, shoot us an email on our contact page. We're always here for a good chat or a debate on whether pineapple belongs on pizza.

8. Do you use cookies on your website?

Yes, but only the digital kind to enhance your browsing experience. These cookies are harmless and cannot be used to make a tasty snack. Feel free to disable them if you wish, but it might affect site functionality.

9. What if I find a joke offensive?

Our mission is to tickle funny bones with precision, not shatter them with missteps. If our humor ever brushes you the wrong way, feel free to wave a flag—just know, you've also got the power to keep scrolling. Remember, our "Offense Review Department" is more about sparking dialogues than extinguishing flames. They'll pore over any contentious joke with the diligence of a cat on a laser pointer, but don't expect removals. We're in the business of uniting through laughter, ensuring our community is a space where chuckles are abundant, and everyone feels part of the joke, not the butt of it.

10. Can I use your content for my blog or website?

We love sharers! Feel free to use our content with proper attribution. Just remember, it's all in good fun and meant to spark joy, not controversy.