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March 22, 2024

I must begin this week's schedule with an apology for the delay in our latest blog post. The unfolding Ruby Franke story has captivated me since it emerged in August. Today, an overwhelming torrent of details regarding her actions towards her children has been released, and I find myself grappling with a deep sense of disbelief. As a mother, the notion that someone could believe their children to be inherently evil, to the extent of subjecting them to torture under the guise of cleansing their souls, is beyond my comprehension. My heart aches for the two children who were deserving of love and protection from their parents, not unimaginable harm.

This situation has also plunged me into a conflict over the public's access to the grim specifics of such crimes. On one hand, these children's privacy and future wellbeing weigh heavily on me. The thought of their past traumas being just a search away for any future acquaintance or employer due to the widespread dissemination of their mother's videos and the detailed accounts of their suffering is distressing. These children should not have to carry the shadow of their experiences into every new chapter of their lives.

On the other hand, a part of me believes in the necessity of bringing the sins of Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt into the light, subjecting them to the same public scrutiny and humiliation they imposed on their children. It raises a critical question: how do we balance the need to protect the innocent and ensure they are not forever marked by their past while holding perpetrators accountable in a transparent legal system? I am a staunch advocate for transparency and the public's right to observe and critique the legal process, as it's essential for holding the system accountable. Yet, this scenario challenges my beliefs, searching for a middle ground where justice and privacy coexist.

With these heavy thoughts, I shift focus to outline our plan for the week ahead, carrying with me a renewed sense of purpose and a determination to explore and address the complexities of the world we navigate, both as individuals and as a society.

  • Monday: We're starting the week by taking a hard look at what's happened recently—personal stories, societal trends, or big issues that need addressing. It's about understanding where we stand and thinking about how we can improve.

  • Tuesday: Tech Day. We're diving into the latest gadgets, breakthroughs, and big ideas in technology. It's all about figuring out how these advancements can make a difference in our lives and society, not just marveling at the newest shiny toys.

  • Wednesday: Health and Wellness. We're taking a moment to focus on what keeps us ticking—both mentally and physically. We'll get into the nitty-gritty of healthcare policies and practices because, let's face it, staying healthy is non-negotiable.

  • Thursday: Behind the Scenes. I'll take you through what I do, how I think, and the work that goes into our discussions. It's a peek behind the curtain to see the groundwork of our shared journey.

  • Policy Stance: Here, we'll use satire to poke at policy issues, looking at them through a fresh, possibly irreverent lens. Expect to see a bold stance on child and family policies, particularly addressing the upheaval children face during their parents' divorce, not to mock but to challenge the status quo.

  • Friday: Looking Forward. As we wrap up the week, we'll think about the future—specifically, how changing family dynamics shape our kids' world. It's about ending on a note that keeps us looking ahead, ready for what's next.

As we navigate the complexities of these issues together, I am reminded of the strength and resilience within our community. Your engagement and insights enrich our conversations, challenging us to think deeply and empathetically about the world. With a heavy heart but also with hope for meaningful dialogue and change, I look forward to continuing this journey with you all next week. Thank you for being a part of this conversation, your patience, and your thoughtful contributions. Let's meet again next week, ready to explore, question, and grow together.

As we wrap up this week's reflections and look ahead to the discussions we'll embark on together, I want to invite you all to share your thoughts on a pressing question: In cases like the Franke story, how do we find the balance between ensuring justice and transparency, and protecting the privacy and future of the victims? Your perspectives are invaluable as we navigate these complex waters together. Please share your thoughts, experiences, and suggestions in the comments below. How can we, as a society, work towards a solution that honors both accountability and the need for healing and privacy? I'm looking forward to reading your insights and continuing this important conversation.